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Hyperbaric Chamber

Prima Medika Assistance provides Hyperbaric Chamber services which aim to provide hyperbaric oxygen therapy to patients who need it. This therapy is carried out in a special room called a hyperbaric chamber, where the patient is exposed to pure oxygen at an air pressure higher than atmospheric pressure.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical method that involves administering pure oxygen at high pressure to patients. In a hyperbaric chamber, the patient is placed in a controlled pressure environment and given oxygen via a mask or tube. Oxygen consumed under this high pressure increases the amount of oxygen dissolved in the blood, promotes healing and restoration of injured tissue, and provides benefits in certain medical conditions.

Decompression sickness Treatment

For those with decompression sickness, which is caused by a rapid drop in atmospheric pressure, such as divers who are surfacing too quickly, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the mainstay of treatment. In a hyperbaric chamber, the patient is exposed to high air pressure and pure oxygen to help remove trapped air bubbles in the body’s tissues and reduce symptoms associated with decompression sickness.

Wound Recovery

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to be effective in accelerating wound recovery, especially wounds that are difficult to heal or those associated with certain medical conditions such as diabetes or pressure ulcers. Increased oxygen supply to injured tissue speeds up the healing process, promotes new cell growth, and minimizes the risk of infection.

Treatment of Ear, Nose and Sinus Disorders

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is also effective in treating ear, nose and sinus disorders such as sudden hearing loss, barotrauma syndrome or persistent sinus infections. In a hyperbaric chamber, patients can experience increased blood flow to the affected area, relieve symptoms, and speed recovery.

Treatment of Other Medical Conditions

In addition, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is also used for the treatment of other medical conditions such as burns, soft tissue inflammation, osteomyelitis, circulatory disorders, carbon monoxide poisoning, and certain neurological disorders. Hyperbaric Chamber Prima Medika Assistance service provides access to hyperbaric oxygen therapy which is controlled and supervised by an experienced medical team.


With the Medical Administration, Prima Medika Assistance is committed to providing the best care experience for foreign clients in hospitals and clinics in Indonesia. A dedicated and experienced team will maintain high quality standards, optimize treatment processes, and provide complete support to clients throughout their treatment journey in Indonesia.

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Jl. Merpati No.33, Cakranegara Bar., Kec. Cakranegara, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat 83239